Remote Coaching

Remote Coaching

Benefits: Online remote coaching offers numerous benefits, making it an increasingly popular option for individuals looking to achieve their fitness goals with flexibility and personalized support.

What’s Included:

  • Initial consultation and assessment: A virtual meeting to discuss fitness goals, health history, and assess current fitness levels.
  • Customized workout plan includes a tailored exercise routine that can be done at home or in the gym, with clear instructions and demonstrations.
  • Nutritional guidance: customized meal plan or macros coaching that aligns with your fitness goals, often delivered through a fitness app or email.
  • Regular Check-Ins: weekly scheduled video calls, phone calls or messaging sessions to track progress, make adjustments to the workout plan, and provide ongoing motivation.
  • Access to a fitness tracking file or app where you can log your workouts, track progress and receive feedback.
  • Access to a library of exercise demonstration videos to ensure proper form and technique.
  • Direct communication with the coach through messaging or email for questions, support, and motivation outside of scheduled check-ins.
  • Regular progress reports and adjustments to the plan based on progress and feedback.
  • Access to monthly newsletters and educational material such as guides and articles on fitness, nutrition and wellness.
  • Access to a private online community or group where clients can share experiences, ask questions, and support each other.